What are the delivery charges?

Delivery charges are different as per weight and dimension.  Different Destination have been distribute in different zone and charges are different as per their zone.  Please estimate your order weight to determine the exact delivery charges.

On completion of order we will notify our customer through email/whats app make sure if he is available at his premises with courier it take 5-6 working days to deliver the goods at their store and air cargo take 7-10 days to arrive at destination airport.  By Sea it take 25-45 days to reach destination sea port.

Once order sent we share AWB/BL with our customer through email/whats app to track the shipment status with respective websites of courier/air cargo.

Yes customs and duties will be apply on order once it reach their destination custom house and it charged as per invoice value.

Yes we shipping internationally  except Israel so please make sure once you are placing an order remote area will be charged extra shipping after confirmation from our shipping company.


How do I return something to you?

If you are not satisfied with your purchase and would like to return or exchange any of your order, please contact us at shujaempire@gmail.com or telephone us on +92 320 1383 460 (open 10.00am – 6.00pm, Monday to Saturday).

All goods purchased online can be returned or exchanged within 15 days of purchase, provided that the items are un-opened and in their original packaging. When returning your goods, please enclose your original dispatch note/receipt, or add a cover note with your contact details and order number.

All returns are made at customers’ own cost and risk. Shuja Empire will refund the postal cost of your returns only if the items are faulty or damaged. We recommend that customers send returns via Recorded Delivery, as Shuja Empire will not assume responsibility for items lost in transit. Provided goods are returned in their original condition, a full refund will be made within 14 days from receipt of goods to Shuja Empire.

Yes customs and duties will be apply on order once it reach their destination custom house and it charged as per invoice value.

Do you refund delivery charges if I return something?

Return is costly at customer end so please use the services that reach to us in good condition for refund the amount.